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The Faces of Curaçao – People you need to meet

I don’t know how important this is for you, but for me it is very important to get a connection to the people of a country. And this is often the reason why I like a country or not. When it comes to the Curacao people, this island is definitely worth a visit. The people there are heartfelt and friendly and incredibly interesting. I want you to meet some of the people I’ve met in Curaçao :

My Curacao Pictures – The Curacao people

(Little tip – great effect: click on the pictures to get a bigger picture!)

Dinah Veeris
dinah veeris - curacao people

Dinah Veeris used to be a teacher but nowadays she’s world-famous for being the witch of the herbs in Curaçao. You’ll find various herbs in her botanical garden which might help you with any kind of problem. May it be stomach-ache or a broken heart: Dinah Veeris knows a herb for everything. And if you’re very lucky she herself will take you on a tour through her garden and you’ll leave with a lot of wisdom, more knowledge about the history of Curaçao and probably one or two bottles of something which will help you with your problems.

dinah veeris
Pernell Saturnino
Pernell Saturnino

Pernell is a Grammy-Award-Winner and world-famous percussionist. And Pernell is also a sweetheart. He had the patience of a saint while teaching us the 101 of percussions. And I think he is a very good example that you can be very successful if you’re doing what you really love. Check out his Facebook page to find out where and when you can see him live performing.

MJ – Marvi Johanna
curacao pictures

MJ is an artist from Curaçao, who started her career at Instituto Buenea Bista, because of the educational program there she was able to study art in Amsterdam. After several years in the Netherlands, she’s working now in a car rental company and uses her free time to work at IBB to get her business as an artist started. Besides offering selected young talents guidance and support towards a future in the creative field the IBB is also an international art platform, known as the Curacao Center for Contemporary Art.

Kurt from the Twin Divers
curacao diving

You might know already how addicted I am since Borneo when it comes to diving. So for sure I also wanted to go diving in Curaçao! But I’ve never expected to see a whale shark on my ninth dive. Never. I didn’t really get what was happening until I saw Kurt from the Twin Divers totally freaking out under water. I have video proof! Wait for it!

Yvonne from Marsche Bieuw
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The Marsche Bieuw is the best place in Curaçao, if you’re craving typical local food. You will stumble upon the old market food court in Willemstad’s Punda neighborhood behind the post office. Here you’ll get enormous portions, cooked in huge pots. Don’t forget to order the homemade lemonade! Yvonne’s food stall is right at the beginning of the food court.

Willem from Ocean Encounters
curacao snorkelling

Willem from Ocean Encounters took us on a snorkeling trip to the famous Tug Boat. A must see when visiting Curaçao! And it was fun to snorkel with Willem, he found every little seahorse and made me laugh not just once under water. Brilliant. And in the end he said: I don’t want to change anything in my life. I have the best job in the world. Word.

Every single local (kind of)
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The Curacao people are really awesome. Everyone I’ve met was friendly, heartfelt and very talkative. This man for example was so friendly to show us his home and if we would have had more time I definitely would have loved to sit there the whole afternoon and talk about life in Curaçao.

curacao pictures

Tips and tricks for your trip to Curaçao and the whole whale shark story… coming up soon!

Disclosure: I was invited on this trip by Curaçao Tourist Board.