8 things you should know about Antigua and Barbuda

8 things you should know about Antigua and Barbuda

Antigua und Barbuda… maybe you asked yourself right now what and where this is, but don’t worry – before my trip I actually felt the same way and did not know anything about Antigua and Barbuda and first had to google where it is actually located. But now, after my trip, I’m a fan and…

My favorite sunsets around the world and the story behind
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My favorite sunsets around the world and the story behind

I love sunsets. Here are my favorite sunsets around the world and the story behind. To be honest I could watch sunsets all day long, from the morning until the evening, watching, adoring, taking pictures, adoring. Rewind and repeat. And I was lucky enough to see so many beautiful sunsets. Andalusia – my favorite sunsets…

Top 3 Bars In Havana To Get Drunk Like Hemingway
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Top 3 Bars In Havana To Get Drunk Like Hemingway

I read Ernest Hemingway’s “A Farewell to Arms” for the first time when I was twelve and since then this book travelled a lot around the world. We’ve been to Thailand together, Seattle, Ibiza, South Africa, France, Italy, Turkey, U.A.E., and so on. But I didn’t take it to Cuba. Yes. I know. Stupid me. Don’t know why. But I didn’t miss it there. There was mojito. Helped a lot! And if mojito couldn’t help my friend daiquiri came along. And somehow Hemingway himself was so much closer to me. So I drunk my way through all the bars Hemingway got wasted in.