7 Beautiful Things to do in Baden-Württemberg (Germany’s Most Beautiful State)
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7 Beautiful Things to do in Baden-Württemberg (Germany’s Most Beautiful State)

As a proud Swabian, I don’t need to tell you that Baden-Württemberg is definitely Germany’s most beautiful state and there are plenty of things to do in Baden-Württemberg. Yeah, there are other places in Germany that have a lot to offer, but they’ve got nothing on my home state. The automobile. The bicycle. The perm….

5 Things you need to know about hiking in Saxon Switzerland National Park
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5 Things you need to know about hiking in Saxon Switzerland National Park

I wanted to go hiking in the Saxon Switzerland National Park because of a photo of the Bastei bridge I had seen some years ago. I was fascinated and couldn’t believe that it was in Germany. And when I finally stood there a few weeks ago, a little bit sweaty from the ascent, I had to…

7 Best things to do in Görlitz
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7 Best things to do in Görlitz

Görlitz is not really the best known German city, not even amongst Germans. But actually, Görlitz is known all over the world. In Hollywood for example everyone is raving about Görlitz. Tarantino loves it, Wes Anderson too and so does Jackie Chan. Görlitz was the set of many famous Hollywood movies during the last few…

Why no one never ever should visit Brandenburg
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Why no one never ever should visit Brandenburg

Sometimes I catch myself at thinking, even sometimes at the most beautiful places in this world: “Why can’t it be like Brandenburg?”. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think every place on this earth should look like Brandenburg (although some places would benefit from this), I just think sometimes it would be awesome if more…

6 and more unusual things to do at the abandoned Tempelhof Airport in Berlin
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6 and more unusual things to do at the abandoned Tempelhof Airport in Berlin

The first time I was in Berlin, a friend insisted I go to Tempelhof. In my head, I thought, “Why the heck should I go visit an abandoned airport?” Little did I know of the many things you can do and see there! Here are six or more things you can do at Tempelhof that…