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6 Travelous Reasons for a Curacao Vacation

When someone mentions Curaçao vacation everyone thinks immediately about booze and Caribbean beaches. But, I have to disappoint you. First: I had no booze while I was travelling in Curaçao (ok, that’s probably because I don’t really like booze. I prefer Gin and Tonic. But that’s another story…) AND second… although there are some really beautiful beaches on Curaçao, if that’s the main reason for you to visit Curaçao, you will be disappointed. Well yes, Curaçao is a Caribbean island but it’s also completely different to all the other Caribbean islands I’ve been so far. And that’s why I have six (even better) reasons for a Curacao vacation than Blue Curaçao and Caribbean beaches.

curacao vacation

Here are my top 6 reasons for a Curacao vacation

1. The people in Curaçao

curacao vacation

The people in Curaçao are always smiling. This might be because of the weather in Curaçao, or maybe because there’s Blue Curaçao, but maybe it’s also because they are just happy. I haven’t met one single unlikable person in Curaçao and everyone welcomed me with open arms and a smile. The people of Curaçao are so deeply relaxed it’s wonderful and contagious.

2. You can be really active on Curaçao

curacao diving

Curaçao is well-known for being a paradise for divers. The main reason for this is probably shore diving. And yes, I went shore diving there AND saw a whale shark, I have video proof! If you’re not into diving and prefer snorkelling: don’t miss the Tug Boat!

If you want you should also try SUP (Stand Up Paddling) in Spanish Waters. It’s not as hard as it sounds, but looking good on the board is a totally different story (guess why there are no pictures of me SUPing). When thinking about hiking, Curacao wouldn’t be the first place I would think of, but there are awesome trails you can hike for a day or two. Or what about a jeep safari through Christoffelpark? But hey, if you get the same guide like we had, be prepared for old old jokes all day long.

3. The culture of Curaçao

culture curacao

The cultural side of Curacao is very interesting. Think about music, art, food and for sure Willemstad, the capital, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. But there’s another really interesting cultural reason for a Curacao vacation: The magic waters. You can buy them nearly everywhere and depending on what you’re looking for there’s the perfect water for it. Love, money, happiness… you get the picture. You can buy them as shower gel or polish. And it’s said they can do the magic… I haven’t tried it. Yet. (But of course I’ve bought some. Just in case)

4. The diverse nature of Curaçao

Nature Curacao

Many Caribbean islands only have two things to offer: beaches and palms. Curaçao is different. Some even say Curacao is the Wild Wild West of the Caribbean. Curaçao is rough, Curaçao is wild, Curaçao is different on every corner. In some parts of Curacao you’ll find rough cliffs and breathtaking breakers (I could just stand there for hours and hours and watch it), in other parts you’ll find that Caribbean feeling with beaches and Blue Curacao. And then again you’re driving trough a wild cactus landscape.

5. The colours of Curaçao

colorful curacao

You all know how colorful Curaçao is… but do you know the story behind it? A Curacao legend says that an early governor outlawed painting buildings white because the reflection of the sun gave him headaches. Later it turned out he owned stock in the local paint company…

6. Klein Curaçao

klein curacao

Yes, there are beautiful Caribbean beaches on Curaçao, but the most beautiful one is hidden on Klein Curaçao, a tiny, uninhabited island, about 8 sea miles away from the main island. A typical day trip, but with a special twist: if you want you can sleep there! We haven’t done it but just imagine how amazing it must be to stay on Klein Curacao after all the day trippers have left, when sun is slowly sinking into the ocean and you’re sitting there with some friends around a camp fire.

Have you been to Curacao? Do you have other reasons for a Curacao vacation? And if not… which of my reasons did win you over?

Disclosure: I was invited on this trip by Curaçao Tourist Board.