So this is goodbye and Hello to a new chapter of JustTravelous

Oh wow. This is it. A journey that started 13 years ago comes to an end now. If someone had told 2010-me everything that will happen during these 13 years, I would have called them crazy. Thanks to this JustTravelous blog and thanks to YOU, I was able to go on countless adventures, following my heart and exploring this world in a way I couldn’t have imagined.

And now it’s time to say goodbye.

Internally, I said goodbye a few years ago already, being a travel blogger just didn’t feel like the right thing to do for me anymore. And then the pandemic hit, and I took it as a sign from the universe to leave all of this behind for good. JustTravelous went into hibernation and I went on different adventures, traveled into the depth of myself, allowed myself to explore the mysteries of the universe in a whole new way. I started to create art, and eventually took others on journeys into the quantum space of our imagination. I explored my witchy side and dove deep into spirituality. I also rediscovered my love for TV journalism.

And now, I decided it was time to give JustTravelous a new life, a second chapter with Steff and Victor.

It feels great for me. I had such an amazing time here and now that it’s over I feel happy, nourished and relieved. Deeply grateful too.

I had several offers on the blog during the last few years, it never felt like the right thing to do though, until Steff and Victor reached out. It again felt like a sign from the universe, to let go now. To give the blog to someone who will take care of it the way I couldn’t and didn’t want to anymore. It feels like selling an art piece I’ve been working on for so many years, that now just stood in a corner, dusty and ignored. I’m happy that Steff and Victor are dusting it off now, giving it the attention it deserves, and continuing working on this piece of art called JustTravelous. I’m curious to follow their journey now and where this adventure will take them. I’m sure it’ll be just travelous.

If you’re curious about my new adventures, my art and work, if you want to go on a journey into the quantum space with me, or treat yourself to a Soul Spa Session with me, then head over to or follow me on Instagram @welcome2infinity. I’m looking forward to welcoming you there. 

Here and now though, I’ll say goodbye.

With love, Yvonne

two women smiling in a cafe with empty coffee cups

A few words from Steff and Victor on JustTravelous Next Chapter:

We are so excited to take JustTravelous into its next chapter! We hope to continue its legacy to take you on adventures all over the world! A little about us: We are Steff and Victor, American and Brazilian by birth but citizens of the world! Together we lived in the USA, Brazil, Germany, Poland, Singapore, Netherlands, and Spain; and combined we visited more than 50 countries. As passionate travelers and fellow expats, we want this blog to share our experiences, adventures, and insights from living in Europe and exploring the world. We hope you will join us!

We will also explore and guide you through out favorite city in the world, Amsterdam! We lived her for the past 6 years and we love exploring everything the Netherlands has to offer! We know relocating to a new country feels like a rollercoaster, and we are here to support your expat journey with useful tips on setting up a life in a new country as well as ideas for exploring the Netherlands and beyond.

man and women smiling with large grey mountain range behind them