3 Extraordinary Things You Only Can Do In Berlin
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3 Extraordinary Things You Only Can Do In Berlin

Maybe you do live in Berlin and wanna do something special. Maybe you’re visiting the city and already did all the typical tourist stuff. Either or, I do have three suggestions of things you only can do in Berlin and nowhere else in the world like this. Top three things you only can do in…

All I Know About Canada I Know From HIMYM
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All I Know About Canada I Know From HIMYM

All I know about Canada I know from “How I Met Your Mother”. True Story. Never been there, never met one. I laughed “aboot” all the jokes about Canadians. But hey, since my Twitter bestie @nearafar IS Canadian, I thought I should learn more about the Great White North. AND cause we’re planning to go on a roadtrip together in June from Toronto to Vancouver and I don’t want her to push me out of the car before we get there.

Top 3 Bars In Havana To Get Drunk Like Hemingway
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Top 3 Bars In Havana To Get Drunk Like Hemingway

I read Ernest Hemingway’s “A Farewell to Arms” for the first time when I was twelve and since then this book travelled a lot around the world. We’ve been to Thailand together, Seattle, Ibiza, South Africa, France, Italy, Turkey, U.A.E., and so on. But I didn’t take it to Cuba. Yes. I know. Stupid me. Don’t know why. But I didn’t miss it there. There was mojito. Helped a lot! And if mojito couldn’t help my friend daiquiri came along. And somehow Hemingway himself was so much closer to me. So I drunk my way through all the bars Hemingway got wasted in.